
Monday, July 18, 2016

Do or Do Not. There is No Try.

"Do or do not.  There is no try," said Yoda in Star Wars.  At this point in history when it comes to climate change, it is now survive or not survive.  Those are our options.

Scientists say we are hurtling towards a future that will mean life will alter dramatically...not to mention the fact and not many of us will survive.  

I'm 62 years old...MY future is winding down, but as a mother of three, stepmother of two, and grandmother of two with one on the way...we HAVE to change our ways and start pouring money into slowing the speed of our world rushing headlong into disaster and actually start reversing what damage we can reverse.

We have all heard that as the globe warms:

  • sea levels will rise; 
  • hurricanes, typhoons,and  tornadoes will become even more powerful, larger, and more destructive;
  • droughts will increase thus greatly limiting food supply;
  • glaziers will increasingly melt at an alarming rate further raising the over-all temperatures;
  • trees will die altering the amount of oxygen in the air;
  • and on and on.
The human race has grown and survived many disasters because we adapt, but there is great concern that any and all of the above can happen so quickly that we do not have time to adapt.  Plus poorer nations do not have the resources to adapt.  

Most religions call us to care for the poor.
Most religions call us to care for the earth.
And yet some of the strongest environmentally conscious people I know are atheists and agnostics while some of the most abusive people to the environment call themselves Christians.

Most of us act like we are on a space craft that never needs fixing, cleaning, or adjusting our life style to accommodate all occupants. 

Adaptation does not include negligence.  We HAVE to pull our heads out of the sand.

History has told us that The Divine is not going to come sweeping down and save the "faithful" by cleaning up this mess.  After predicting for more than 2,000 years that The Divine will save the faithful by sweeping them up en masse in an Apocalyptic glory, I think, it is time that that we all wake up and understand that:
  • WE were given guardianship over this beautiful home of ours; 
  • WE were given the task of caring for this earth and all beings living on it; 
  • and WE were given the task of caring for the those with the least power.
Hypothetically let's say the Divine DOES come sweeping down...what do YOU think the Divine will say to us defiling one of the most beautiful gifts created and given to us by the Creator?  