But what world will he inherit? The world is getting warmer. Today a category 4.5 hurricane hit the Caribbean Isles.
Will there be enough food to feed people because of droughts and floods? Will wars increase as water becomes scarcer and arable land mass shrinks?
This little one will be raised at least for a good while in the States. What will this look like for him?
Race riots as the blatant injustices are never addressed? Will his school be shot up with no gun control on the horizons? Will he live in a country where the poor gets poorer and poorer as the rich get richer and richer?
His Mama is a doctor so there is less chance he will grow up poor, but both his Mama and Daddy care about immigration and justice. Coury interprets for Spanish speakers and Cassie will be working with migrant workers...will their emails and phone calls be monitored as government claims more and more information under the guise of keeping its people "safe"?
So many questions on this night as we sit and wait. So many questions as we listen to debates and hear speeches.
Hopefully soon I'll hold this child I'll love. As I hold him I'll pray for saneness and kindness to take precedence over greed, power, meanness and insanity.
I'll pray...and work... for him, Elliot, Charlotte, Eibhlin, Orla, Isamar, Kadence, Ana, and all our children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, friends and strangers. - Kathleen