
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

U.S. elections, Nicaragua, Poverty... What will you do?

I was discussing with a family member about how the world perceived the United States when Pres. Bush was in office…which was a pretty bad perception then, except for the work Bush did in Africa addressing the AIDS pandemic. My family member said, “I don’t care about how the rest of the world perceived the U.S.”

The comment shocked me, because how we all get along as nations is as important or more important than how we get along with our neighbors.

In a world of nuclear bombs and climate change threatening to kill off much of life and the human race,* it is critical to think globally and elect leaders that will work globally.

Despite the coups in Central America and the horrors in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador…Nicaragua’s government works with its neighbors in trying to address issues in the isthmus - especially COVID-19 and drug trafficking. Little Nicaragua participated in the Paris Climate Accords…first by not signing to encourage nations to go further in their commitment of making real change, and then by signing.

Fighting poverty every way it can, the Nicaraguan government works with anyone who will help…but maintains its own sovereignty, which is one of the reasons many countries will not work with it. The Nicaraguan government will not be a puppet of any nation.

I can never understand the “threat” this little nation supposedly is to large nations like the United States. Or why U.S. conservatives who vote only on issues of abortion and keeping Christianity in the forefront have such a burr in their saddles when it comes to Nicaragua; where abortion is illegal and Christian observances, such as prayer in schools, are commonplace, as is seeing the Crucified Christ on a cross hanging in government buildings.

But with the U.S. elections in one week…we want to ask all of you who live up there to consider these thoughts as you vote: 

People tend to vote their own pockets and their own family needs, but we are asking you to look at the world.  Remember “God so loved the WORLD,”  how can we do less when we cast our ballots? 


*We U.S. citizens have all voted absentee. Mike, Sarah, Daniel and I even spent $44 to rush our sealed ballots to California by DHL. This is how important this is to us.

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