
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Another World IS Possible

2014 is coming up on us fast.  This week we are closed and enjoying our friends and family, but never fear, we want to be sure to put our two cents in one last time for 2013!  

As we move into 2014, we want to invite you to join us in a hope that we will be able to bring change to this world. 

Often times we feel powerless to change the world, and yet, the world is always changed by people like you and me…the “insignificant” people calling for change and working diligently to affect that change.  It is people like you and me that can begin to stop the harm and begin to heal.

We are not mindful of what we do day in and day out….

Because we are not mindful of what and how much we consume, clean air to breathe is becoming a worldwide problem. 

Because we are not careful of what we consume, the mostly poor nations in the tropics are suffering more and more from severe storms with no safety nets for their people. 

Because we are not careful of what we consume, droughts are bigger issues and people are starving in a world of plenty.

We have worldwide issues that have to be addressed:
•    Poverty
•    Disease
•    Slavery
•    Weapons that are extremely dangerous
•    Lack of care of our environment
•    Lack of privacy
•    Lack of individual voices
•    And always …racism, sexism, classism, etc.

We believe another world IS possible…
•    a world lush, green, and fertile
•    a world with no hunger
•    a world working together to fight disease
•    a world with no terror of weapons
•    a world with goodness, generosity, and kindness
•    a world where you are cherished the moment you are born…no matter what your gender, skin color, sexual preference, creed, or class may be

Join us in 2014 to make this world possible.

Happy New Year!