
Thursday, January 2, 2020

Future Fridays: 2020 the Time is Now!

Future Fridays:  2020 the Time is Now!

I have a notebook where I keep lists of things to do.  I separate the days and if I don’t get something done that day it goes onto the next day… and just between you and me there are some things that I have moved day-to-day for months!

The United Nations Development Programme says, Climate Change is the defining threat of our time.  We are in the middle of a climate crisis.  But we have the international frameworks, technology and human and financial capital to solve the problem.  We must act now.”[1]

In other words, we cannot keep doing like I do, postponing our actions until tomorrow.  We must act now.

2020 can and must be a year of change for the global community.  We have not only started a new year but a new decade as well.[2]

20/20 is seeing clearly.  We need to see what is happening and not let non-science cloud our vision.

Let’s elect people who will make climate change their priority and who will actually enact laws that make us procrastinators do today that which absolutely cannot wait until tomorrow.


[2] In this footnote, I give a bow to the “technically” correct who say the new decade starts on the 2021 (i.e. our children).

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