
Thursday, January 16, 2020

Future Fridays: the Scary Tax Word?

Future Fridays: the Scary Tax Word?

We delighted in watching Bill Nye, the science guy, when he was on John Oliver’s show.  Mike loved it so much, he has it saved to show anyone who will watch it.

And it all revolves around carbon tax… that scary word… tax.

Why do taxes scare so many people?  We think nothing of going into a store and paying for whatever items we want or need.  We think nothing of tipping someone for the services they provide.  But mentioning taxes is a no-no.

Bill Nye simply illustrated in his above-mentioned piece that when we have too much carbon in the atmosphere the atmosphere heats up which causes droughts, fires (like in California and now Australia), floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and other intense weather. 

Following and during the disasters…

  •     Fire fighters and fire plane pilots work long, dangerous hours.
  •         Property is damaged and lost.
  •         People are hurt, hospitalized, maimed permanently, or killed leaving family behind… which means…
Billions of dollars in public money is spent to take care of the messes, the losses, and the injured.  Who pays for it?  All of us.

Who should pay more?  Those who create and use carbon sources.  It just makes sense.  Let’s clear our vision and make 2020 the year to cut our carbon emissions drastically and save money as well as our earthly home.


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