
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Coming in for Condoms

In 2018, fourteen men requested and/or were prescribed condoms from our clinic.   In 2019, this increased to 685 men!  In a machismo culture this is wonderful!

How did this happen?  Public education.
It used to be that the most condoms we handed out at the Nueva Vida Clinic were to partners of women being treated for sexually transmitted infections or to the small transgender community which include those who earn their money for food by being sex workers.

Now more men and older teenagers are coming in for condoms.  We have a man, Emir, who is helping with our health promotion work while our own health promoter, Jessenia, a woman, is struggling with failing kidneys.

Each gender and person have their own strengths.  Jessenia* reached out to the small transgender community and they use our clinic as a safe clinic with professionals who give them respect.  Jessenia worked so well with women while Emir is reaching young and older men and teaching them to take responsibility.

Both Jessenia and Emir are great with both sexes but women gravitate to Jessenia and men to Emir.  The fact that our condom outreach has increased 48 times is amazing. 

*A short story:  a good friend of ours encouraged Trojan condoms to donate 1,000 condoms to our clinic many years ago.  Unfortunately, the condoms were all extra-large.  In one staff meeting, Jessenia commented that she had no idea what to do with these condoms because they were too large for the men who were using our clinic.  We laughed and made jokes of what we could do with them.

At the next staff meeting Jessenia reported that a man stopped her on the street in Nueva Vida and embarrassingly whispered to her of his problem of finding condoms large enough for him.  Jessenia reported that she gleefully said, “Have we got a deal for you!”  The condoms were used appropriately! 😊

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