
Monday, February 10, 2020

Walkin' & Rollin'... with help!

Peggy, my mother, is 90 years old.  Four years ago, she had a series of strokes that left her weakened on her left side.  She works hard at maintaining what mobility she has, but she needs to use a walker or even a wheelchair if the walk is long. 

Over Christmas holidays our family went to the beach for two nights…a long-time tradition for us.  We are an ever-growing clan.  As Mama looked longingly at the Pacific she said, “Do you think I can stick my feet in the water?”

“Sure, we got strong folks here.”  So off we went helping her walk across the sand because the wheels would not roll. 

Sometimes we even carried her to the water and then back to her wheelchair.  She and we did it, but boy! Did that trek wear her out!  After we wheeled her to her room, she said that the only water she wanted to put her feet in again was the River Jordan!

Many families here have loved ones with no wheelchairs or walkers.  The families guide them and walk them or carry them. 

One mother used to bring her teen daughter with severe Cerebral Palsy to the clinic for her seizure medication and check-ups or teeth cleaning. Holding the daughter upright, mom would “walk” her to the clinic by propping the daughter’s feet on hers.  Now mom pushes her in a wheelchair…over bumpy roads…but so much better.  Daughter can now sit up with the family at home and be safe.

Giving people wheelchairs, walkers, canes, and crutches allows mobility and in some cases more independence.  Our clinic gave out all those above-mentioned items, and in addition beds, toilet seats, and shower chairs to 158 patients last year.  These come from donations sent to Nicaragua through the Peace Works organization in New Jersey.

Patients who have lost legs from diabetes or the war, born with maladies, had strokes, etc. now can move about some, and they don’t have to wait for the River Jordan. 

It is not quite like Jesus healing the lame but – at least – there is movement.


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