
Friday, July 31, 2020

Future Fridays: Climate Change is still happening, folks.

Each evening when we pull up the PBS Newshour on YouTube, almost every evening one of us says, "Wonder what will be the headline...COVID or BLM?"  Both are pressing items in the news cycles and for good reason, but we are hearing less and less about Climate Change, which as our son, Daniel, says, "If we don't address climate change, there will be fewer Black Lives and COVID will seem easy."  And he is right.

The police brutality that exists in the U.S. and around the world, HAS to have to work on changing this "norm" for our lives and all   When governments are threatened from their people who are starving and suffering, they tend to react with order to keep their power.  We see this everywhere. 

The Defense Department says that climate change will be a new threat to the world...militarily.  As more and more people are displaced with rising sea levels, droughts, floods...those who have nothing are going to come for those of us who have much.

With forests disappearing, the human race is going to deal with more and more pandemics as viruses jump from animals to humans.  

Climate Change HAS to be everyone's top priority.  Corporations have to change their polluting ways and we have to make them. Governments have to address their laws and make the climate number one.  Communities have to become more adaptable in order to limit carbon emissions.  Individuals have to focus on what we can do to save our environment.

We cannot wait any longer to make Climate Change our number one priority.  If we do, COVID and the now brutality will seem like a walk in the park.

Shutterstock and composite Photo

The good news is...humans (ergo corporations, governments, communities) can multi-task.  We tend to forget that.  We can demand that racism end and brutality stop.  We can demand that communities invest in social work as well as trees and bike paths and sidewalks.  We can demand that corporations quit funding political candidates who are racist as well as that they quit polluting our waters and air and pay their fair share of taxes to go into ways to heal our earth.  We can demand from our governments to work on COVID, provide PPE, and funding for those most vulnerable, as well as demand that they pass some version of the Green New Deal.  

And we must.

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